St George Surgical Center presents…
DINNER with a DOC Series
Fun, free, informative lunch and learn lectures with our surgeons on a variety of health and wellness topics

Robotics-assisted knee & HIP replacement
Robotics-assisted knee/HIP replacement

Friday, August 4th, 2021
Magleby’s Restaurant
In Desert Garden Inn
1450 Hilton Dr
St. George, UT 84770 | map

Friday, September 17th, 2021
Magleby’s Restaurant
In Desert Garden Inn
1450 Hilton Dr
St. George, UT 84770 | map

Friday, October 20, 2021
Magleby’s Restaurant
In Desert Garden Inn
1450 Hilton Dr
St. George, UT 84770 | map

Friday, November 17th, 2020
Magleby’s Restaurant
In Desert Garden Inn
1450 Hilton Dr
St. George, UT 84770 | map

Are you a candidate for knee or hip replacement surgery using our new robotics-assisted replacement surgical system? Come and learn how robotics-assisted total and partial knee replacement and total hip replacement surgery differs from traditional knee replacement (“arthroplasty”). in St George, Utah.
- Learn how you can have knee and hip replacement surgery using a FDA-rated 30-year expected service life. The only such implant currently on the market.
- Learn how you can have your hip or knee replaced and sleep in your own bed as an outpatient. If you need a little help after surgery, you have options other than being confined in the hospital.
- Learn how quickly you can be up and about after your surgery and back on your feet that afternoon!
- Our board certified, fellowship trained, robotics qualified surgeons will explain how the handheld robotics-system that works to help your surgeon in planning implant positioning based on your individual anatomy, helps to prepare the bone surface to accurately and precisely achieve your surgical outcome.
- The robotics-assisted system used at St George Surgical Center does not need a preoperative CT image, which removes additional associated steps, time under anesthesia, costs and radiation.
- Open Q&A follows the presentation and staff members will be on hand to coordinate private consultations with the surgeon. But there’s no obligation after the program and no one will call you or pester you for a decision.
- Also plan to attend if you are not satisfied with the outcome of a previous knee or hip replacement surgery. Our surgeon will explain what can be done to try to improve your results.
- And yes, Medicare and most insurance plans will cover a “do-over”, if medically necessary.
There is no cost or obligation to attend the program and join us for lunch, but reservations are required.
Maximum Capacity: 50 per event | RSVP Required (435) 705-7039
- 4:45pm Check in
- 5:00pm Welcome
- 5:10 Lunch served (3 course, plated)
- 5:15 Physician presentation
- 6:15 Audience Q&A
- 6:30 Door prizes and dismissal
If the listed dates don’t work for you, call and request to be placed on the waiting list now to be notified as soon as the new dates are opened for 2022.
Call 435-705-7039 today to be placed on the waiting list!
Reserve Seats Now to Avoid Disappointment